White Revolution- The beginning
As the country took its first breath of freedom in 1947, the dairy industry was still in private hands. India was left with low production capacity and a negligible technical front, on ways to get over its economic crisis. The small dairy farmers were highly exploited by the middlemen, as their voice was paid no heed to. It was then that a ray of hope emerged through a mechanical turned dairy engineer who completely changed the face of the country's dairy industry and came to be known as ‘The Father of White Revolution’. Dr.Verghese Kurien led to the launch of a program called Operation Flood, which eventually led to the White Revolution. With increased milk production, fair prices for consumers, and increased rural income as the major objectives, Operation Flood was responsible for giving a major thrust to the dairy sector of the nation.
Dr.Verghese Kurien's ideologies led to the beginning of a never-ending legacy where every drop of milk was counted and made sure it reached thousands of glasses.

The After effects
From a milk deficient nation to becoming the centre of the global dairy industry, the production of milk increased six times that of the pre-independence state.
Millions were lifted from indigence through successful cooperatives’ introduction, which turned out to be the world's biggest cooperative movement.
Value-added milk products were made available without exorbitant price tags, thus shooting the Nation's milk production to the pinnacle.
From doubling the milk availability per person in 30 years to making dairy farming the country's largest self-sustainable rural employment hub, Dr.Kurien led to the creation of history. He proved it to the world that creative efforts always triumph.
Helped dairy farmers resource their needs confidently and direct their own development, encouraging the rural masses to take up dairy farming as an occupation.
Significance of the ‘National Milk Day'
To celebrate the man who changed the entire dairy game of the nation, the National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) and the Indian Dairy Association (IDA) along with 22 state-level milk federations decided to commemorate the birth anniversary of Dr.Kurien. Therefore observing the first National Milk day on 26th November 2014.
This day marks the importance of milk and milk products among people, hence celebrating the efforts of the ones responsible to meet the regular needs of millions. In a country like India, milk not only feeds humans but also its economy.
Milk and dairy foods are versatile, highly nutritious, and most significantly affordable. Since the beginning of the White Revolution, people have realized the significance of milk and dairy products in one’s life and also as a society. This entire legacy has been carried forward and the dairy sector today is racing towards better quality for the consumers and also value addition. Let’s together make this world a healthier place to live in!
To all the people who shower our lives with surfeit health and taste every day - Happy National Milk Day!
Celebrating Dairy!
Celebrating Smiles!