The tale begins in the small town of Erode, T. Sathish Kumar, of just 16 years, had his mind full of ambition. To realize his dreams he dropped out of school and started helping out with his father’s failing milk business. Several years in, he gained expertise and his operations were well managed and efficient. The market for Paneer grew and Milky Mist saw its fully automatic state of the art Paneer processing plant come to life, with custom-built technology from Germany. Paneer has been the signature offering of Milky Mist, but over the years it has expanded its range. From adding curd and butter to the lineup in 2004 to expanding to a wide range of value-added products in 2010. Milky Mist now manufactures and supplies almost 20 dairy products across India and other countries. The logistics chain is fully owned by Milky Mist to get better control over quality and distribution